A grand jury is a group of citizens that has been called to hear evidence and determine whether or not a person should be charged with a crime. As a tool of the prosecutor, a grand jury can be used to initiate criminal proceedings or to investigate possible violations of criminal law. Often the person who is the target of the investigation will not know of the grand jury’s existence because it generally meets in secret. If you suspect that you are the target of a grand jury investigation, or if you have received a letter from the federal government, advising you of an investigation, you should immediately contact an experienced grand jury defense attorney.

Frequently, persons and corporations that are targets of grand jury investigations will receive subpoenas for documents, handwriting exemplars, fingerprints, and for other items of evidence. If you have received such a subpoena, you should immediately contact an attorney experienced in these matters to evaluate all possible options regarding the future course of action.

Even if you are subpoenaed as a witness before a grand jury, you are entitled to — and should — retain counsel to protect your rights before the grand jury. Testifying, under oath, in any court proceeding can and will have serious consequences.

Philadelphia lawyer Hope Lefeber is an experienced federal criminal defense attorney. She has represented witnesses, subjects and targets of federal grand jury prosecutions. With more than 30 years of criminal trial experience, Hope Lefeber provides comprehensive representation whether a person is called as a witness or is the target of a grand jury investigation.

Contact a Philadelphia Grand Jury Defense Attorney

If you are witness in, or a target of, a grand jury investigation, having a lawyer who is highly skilled in federal law can make all the difference. To get representation from a highly skilled defense attorney, contact the Philadelphia law office of Hope Lefeber by calling 610-668-7927 or completing our online form. Consultations are free and confidential.