U.S.A. V. Wilbur Ross, No. 12-285. The defendant, a Montgomery County businessman who had played by the rules his entire life, with not even an arrest in his lifetime, was targeted by a federal informant. The Department of Homeland Security sent a former drug dealer--later a paid government informant, to visit Mr. Ross's check cashing franchise more than 28 times over a 2 1/2 year period in repeated attempts to entice Mr. Ross or his employees to violate federal money laundering and tax structuring statutes. Ms. Lefeber vigorously argued the defense of ENTRAPMENT to the jury and the defendant was ACQUITTED of all charges following a federal jury trial lasting over one week.
Agents from the Department of Homeland Security equipped the informant with false identification materials and more than $20,000 in "tip money," intended to bait the defendant's employees into violating the law, the government relentlessly pursued Ms. Lefeber's client. The government's informant was repeatedly rebuffed by Mr. Ross and his staff, who not only declined to cooperate but filed numerous Suspicious Activity Reports with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network following the informant’s visits to the business. Ms. Lefeber proved that he had no predisposition to commit the crime and that he was innocent.
Mr. Ross is a free man today as a result of Ms. Lefeber's extraordinary work on his behalf.
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